Thursday, October 10, 2013

Charity never faileth

A few weeks ago I was wearing my favorite skirt. I have noticed the past couple times that I have worn this skirt that it had a small hole that needed to be repaired. Let me just add... I do not enjoy sewing. It has never been a talent of mine, but I do try my best. Well when I went to put my skirt on the other day I remembered the hole and I had a few extra minutes so I decided I would attempt to mend my skirt. I started looking all over for the hole and I couldn't find it anywhere. I was so excited! I went around the apartment showing everyone that the hole had magically been fixed. Then one of the missionaries explained to me that my kind and loving companion had sewed my skirt for me. Say what?! I was so excited, and thankful. Not only was my skirt fixed, but I felt my companion's love for me that she would take time out of her day to fix my skirt!
Often times when we think of service, we tend to think we need to create a huge service project that will be life changing for everyone involved, but service is so much more than that. It is so simple and rewarding to serve someone. Serve someone with a smile, with sewing their skirt, with pulling a few weeds for someone, dropping off some cookies, etc.
President Kimball said " The Lord answers our prayers, but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." I know this is so true. I think of how many times have my prayers been answered through another person. I remember when I was trying to decide if I should serve a mission. I had been praying and praying and almost felt like giving up, I felt I hadn't recieved an answer and I was very frustrated. One night my visiting teacher came over and shared a scripture with me that she had been reading that morning. She said she had been reading it and felt like she needed to share it with me. That scripture she shared with me changed my life, it is what helped me to decide to go on a mission. It was through my sweet visiting teacher that Heavenly Father had answered my prayers. I am forever grateful for her listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Alma 37:6 says ".. by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" I know that through serving others we will feel happier and we will be able to answer others prayers. I would challenge us all to look for small acts of service daily, pray for them, act upon them, and then thank our Heavenly Father for the opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters. God will bless us as we strive to serve others.
1 Corinthians 13:8  " charity never faileth..."

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